Mediation is a system that utilizes a neutral third party to assist in resolving conflicts.
Mediators are unbiased professionals who guide the conflicted parties through a structured negotiation process.
They provide a safe, neutral environment in order to promote effective communication. Mediators do not dictate
the settlement, rather assist the parties in reaching their own mutually agreeable solution.
Benefits of Mediation
The Decision Is Yours
Who better to make decisions about your life than you? Mediation puts the power back in your hands as opposed to a decision made by a judge. This way it is fair for all parties involved. Since you are part of the solution, you are allowed to develop an agreement that suits your situation best.
It’s Fair And Neutral
All parties have an equal say in the process and they, not the mediator, decide the terms of the settlement. There is no determination of guilt or innocence in the process. Both parties agree to working through the mediation process. Therefore, the process doesn't become a success until both parties can agree on a situation that is beneficial for all parties.
It’s Affordable
In comparison to litigation, mediation takes less of a strain on those involved in terms of money, time, and emotional strife. The mediation process can take as little as a few hours in comparison to it's courtroom counterpart that can take many years to fully settle.
It’s Private And Confidential
Divorce is never an easy process, especially when it comes to the opinions of others. The mediation process is fully confidential and no statements discussed within your sessions can be held against either party in a courtroom setting (excluding: violence and unreported abuse). This confidentiality allows you to be open and honest. This leads to decisions and creative solutions that benefit both parties, while also bringing light to any hidden agendas.
It's a Marathon, Not a Race
When it comes to litigation there is always a winner and loser. Mediation aims to take that competitive edge and switch it towards a joint sense of accomplishment that both parties can feel at the end. We aren't going to lie, each mile can hurt, but in the end both parties will come out with their own personal victories.
Divorce Coaching
Streamline the Process
Divorce coaching has most of the same benefits that mediation does, but adds each party's lawyers to the fray. Divorce coaching is a great practice for laying everything on the table and making sure that all parties are being heard. Through this process everyone must agree before moving to litigation or legal seperation. Divorce coaching also protects each party's confidentiality. If through this process one party decides to back and proceed through court system, all lawyers involved at that time can no longer be used
Early Neutral Evaluator
What Are Your Chances
Do you think your best option is to take your case to court? Early Neutral Evaluation can be a great way to to see how each party will fair in legal proceedings before going to a judge. A Neutral Evaluator works to give unbiased “verdict” on how they believe your case will fair in court. This service encourages parties to communicate with each other and hopefully find a settlement that works for everyone.
Parenting Investigation
What About the Children
Seperation is never easy, especially when kids are involved. Parenting investigation serves as an impartial process to determining the "best interest" for your child(ren). This process takes a look into parenting resources and the projected development of the child to make a recommendation on how to split custody. This investigation is not to place blame, but rather have both parents look at what is best for their child and ultimately, if the parents can't come to an agreement, provide an official recommendation to the court.