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I have a passion to help families through transitions.


My name is Chris Petersen. I am a Professional Mediator and Licensed Social Worker. Through my 23 years in these fields, I have gained extensive experience in conflict resolution, guiding families through the difficult transition of a divorce, and preparing child focused parenting plans. 


I specialize in creating an individualized process for every client.  Divorce can be extremely complicated, emotionally taxing, and inherently stressful.  My passion and experience can assist individuals during a divorce by helping them to understand their options and make difficult decisions related to parenting and life after divorce. 


Instead of tearing each other apart in court and painting each other as “bad parents,” how about two people sit down and make a clear and concise plan on how to co-parent together? That way their children can feel safe and secure in each home and share the love that each parent has for the children.


North Dakota Supreme Court appointed Family Law Mediation Program Mediator for the Southeast Judicial District of North Dakota.

Licensed Social Worker with extensive experience in:

  • Conflict resolution

  • De-escalation methods

  • Domestic violence issues

  • Child abuse

  • Supervising visitation and exchange issues in high conflict families and situations involving violence


Qualified Neutral Mediator under:

  • Rule 8.9 of North Dakota Supreme Court’s Roster of Alternative Dispute Resolution Neutrals

  • Rule 114 on Minnesota Supreme Court’s ADR Qualified Neutrals Roster


Certified Divorce Coach:​






Qualified Neutral Evaluator

  • Serves as impartial professional who helps disputing parties find strengths and weaknesses in their cases before discovery.


Qualified Parenting Investigator

  • Completed training and requirements under rule 8.6 of the ND rules of court.

  • Is authorized to assist courts in impartial evaluation and ultimately recommendations related to parenting time. 

  • Utilizes extensive training in helping families find the best path for co-parenting




  • Trained in Transformative and Client Centered methods of mediation.

  • Coordinated implementation of Parents Forever Divorce Education Program in Wilkin County by initiating partnerships with University of Minnesota Extension Office, Wilkin County Court Administration and
    County Child Support Enforcement Office.

  • Program Director, Kids Konnection Safe Visitation and Exchange Center




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